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Behind the business
27th July 2012
Chairman and CEO Raymond Oliver gives Bdaily an insight into SONE Products' challenges and achievements

Chairman and CEO Raymond Oliver gives Bdaily an insight into SONE Products' challenges and achievements

What key challenges has your company recently faced?

Following the MBO from our former parent company in 2010 we had to build a robust business infrastructure to support the successful manufacturing elements. We are in the final phases of putting in place all of the necessary functions and systems to compete with strength in national and international markets. So far this has included recruiting an 8 strong Business Development team with plans to further increase to 10, putting a new ERP system in place and what goes without saying is ensuring that our customers continue to receive the levels of service excellence that we always strive to provide.

What is your biggest achievement over the past 12 months?

The acquisition of an award-winning design company has been a major coup for our business. This new in-house expertise will add considerable strength to our full service offer. We are now able to offer a range of idea generation, product design and packaging development services.

What is your biggest focus for the coming year?

There are many areas where we have to focus, but consolidating our position in target markets is our number one priority. We have been supplying high quality plastic products to technically demanding markets such as cosmetics and dental care for over 30 years and we are now in a position to diversify and replicate that success in new business areas.

If you had to choose one top piece of advice for someone just starting out in business, or is currently operating within your industry sector, what would it be?

Understand clearly from the beginning what is your purpose and where you would like to end up. Focus on sales, the customers’ markets and their needs as intimately as you can and provide them with outstanding service that your competitors can’t hope to match.

Can you share with us your view of the current landscape of business, in this region and generally where your organisation sits within it?

In our region I believe business is not as depressed as some may suggest. Opportunities will always present themselves. Generally I hear a lot of positivity from my fellow business leaders, however there is still a lot of prudence in relation to investment for growth. For us the landscape remains challenging but we are confident that our team is more than up to the task.